Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Invest in Your Career

~ I pulled this excerpt from a considerably much longer article by Ariel Hyatt. I encourage you to check it out at the link below, but in the meantime I found this to be a very simple yet effective way to look at your future career in this nu-music biz...

I’ve discovered 3 key crucial elements to figuring out the new music industry.

1. Run your career like a business, but ditch the myths: there is very little money in the music industry, there never was much to begin with and there’s less now. Record labels are not going to rescue you.

2. Quality Matters.

3. All careers take time!

The three rules generally work together: Setting appropriate expectations, focusing on your art, and connecting to your fans as you develop over a long period of time. Your career is an investment by you, and anyone who wants to pay you to be you. And for a return on your investment, your goal is to make it a desirable investment to your most beloved fans.

View original article here:

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